7 Freelancing Challenges No One Talks About That Will Make You Think Twice About It

From missing career advancement opportunities to not getting paid, the struggle can become pretty severe.

Lazarina Stoy
6 min readJan 22, 2022
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

I’ve been freelancing for about a year now, alongside my full-time job. While my income allows me to quit the latter and take the plunge, several aspects of freelancing have kept me from doing it.

Today, I’d like to talk about precisely them. The seven things that no one tells you about freelancing, and why you might want to do a bit of it before taking a leap into a full-time freelance career.

1. You might make more money, but it comes at a cost.

The higher per hour rate is typically what you will spend for things like tools and additional costs (e.g. taxes, insurance, accounting), so don’t be fooled that you are actually making a ton more. At least not at the start.

You must factor in the time you will spend running your business. This includes time earning money from your business, as well as time spent on administrative tasks such as bookkeeping, marketing, and account management.

When starting your own freelancing hustle, you need to make sure you are making a…



Lazarina Stoy

talks about wellbeing, productivity, marketing, and ML • Consultant, Speaker, Leader • lazarinastoy.comwww.mlforseo.com ✨ • www.womeninmarketing.bg 🇧🇬